How to Train Specifically for Spartan Race Obstacles

Training for the Spartan race obstacles can be challenging. Use this list of exercises, and get prepared to crush all obstacles from your next Spartan Race.

Training for Spartan obstacles Training for Spartan obstacles

The best way to train for a Spartan Race would be with the real Spartan obstacles. But that's only a dream scenario because it's impossible to know the exact obstacles before the race. Therefore you must find another way to train.

An excellent alternative is to find a gym with similar obstacles, but this option may not be available for everyone.

That leaves you with one option, which is finding a good workout plan with the proper exercises to get ready for the Spartan obstacles.

That's why I have created this list of exercises. Organized by obstacles, abilities and muscles groups.

If you're searching for the best gear to train for an obstacle race and expecting to find a real review from a real runner. Check out this list I created of the top OCR training equipement.

Train effectively for Spartan race obstacles with the following exercises. Most of those exercises will boost your endurance, work on your entire body and build your core strength.

Make sure to include them in your workout routine.

Note: Click on the exercise name to see more details.

Atlas Carry

Atlas Carry

The Atlas Carry is an obstacle for the strongest Spartan. It requires lots of strength to lift the Atlas from the ground. I've seen the Atlas stone used in many strong man competition.

However, during a Spartan Race, you don't just "lift the stone," but you also have to carry it over 32 feet (10 meters). After dropping the Atlas, you have to perform 5 burpees and bring the stone back where you got it.

This 100 pound stone will put loads of stress on your lower back and require an excellent upper body strength. Therefore, you should train accordingly.

How to train for Atlas Carry

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Atlas Carry

Barbed Wire Crawl

Barbed Wire Crawl

The Barbed Wire Crawl is an inevitable obstacle during a Spartan Race. Can't skip it; can't do the penalty burpees, you have to crawl to the other side or drop out of the race.

This obstacle is difficult because you crawl very close the ground to avoid getting caught up in the barbed wires. On the other hand, the ground is uncomfortable; it's filled with dirt, rocks, and mud. You don't want to stay there for a long time.

Depending on the technique used, this obstacle can be extremely demanding on your already tired legs muscles. It's very common to take breaks while under the barbed wire. I even saw participants fighting legs cramps while still under the obstacle.

It's important to move fast and don't waste too much energy. Consequently, you'll need strong legs and coordination.

How to train for Barbed Wire Crawl

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Barbed Wire Crawl

Bucket Brigade

Bucket Brigade

Bucket Brigade is the obstacle I fear the most. This obstacle is meant to wear you down, exactly when you already reached the bottom. Don't think about skipping this obstacle; if you fail or drop the bucket, you restart the obstacle or drop out the race.

The bucket is filled with rocks, and it's approximately 60 to 75 pounds heavy. It takes lots of energy to walk the designated distance while holding the bucket. In most Spartan Race I attend, half of that distance was uphill. After the first minute, my calves were on fire and my arms about to tear off my body.

The Bucket Brigade require a firm grip, lots of core strength and overall endurance. Now, every time I carry heavy objects (ex: grocery bags, winter tires, woods), I take it as extra training for the bucket carry.

The ideal way to train for the Bucket Brigade is by loading a 5-liters bucket with weights (dumbells, kettlebells, sandbags, etc.), and just go for a walk.

On the other hand, the following exercises are a great alternative to get you prepared.

How to train for the Bucket Brigade

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Bucket Brigade



Technically burpees are not an official obstacle. Beside the 5 burpees include in the Atlas Carry, they are mainly the punishment for missing an obstacle.

I have never done a Spartan Race, without doing at least 30 burpees. They always show up when I'm exhausted during the race... unless I learn how to throw the spear correctly.

My advice is you must be prepared to do 30 burpees without difficulty.

That's why I made burpees part of my morning routine. I wake up, I drink a glass of water, and I do 30 burpees.

How to train for Burpees

Cargo Net Climb

Cargo Net Climb

The Cargo Net Climb is one the most fun obstacle if you are not afraid of heights. You need to climb the cargo net with agility and coordination. Once you reach the top of the pyramid, you go down the side. Seem like a piece of cake?

For this obstacle, you must train your hips flexibility and core strength. You'll also need to work on your climbing skills.

How to train for Cargo Net Climb

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Cargo Net Climb

Fire Jump

Fire jump

When you are only a few feet from the finish line, you'll still have to jump over the fire. It may not be the toughest obstacle during the race, but you need to jump high enough, so you don't fall flat on the firebrand.

Train for coordination and agility.

How to train for Fire Jump

Hercules Hoist

Hercules Hoist

The Hercules Hoist required upper body power to get the sandbag up, without falling. Your grip will also be severely tested as you pull on the rope, and feel your hands about to burst in flame.

With the right technique and training, the Hercules Hoist will not become a 30 burpees penalty.

Work on your upper body, your core and grip strength with the following exercises.

How to train for Hercules Hoist

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Hercules Hoist

Hills and Climbs

Hills and Climbs

Hills are not official obstacles listed on the course map, but they are part of most Spartan races.

The race director has an infamous tendency to put more climbing when you think it's over. In all the Spartan Race I attend, I had to climb hills more than 6 times (Sprint and Super) and something more than 10 (beast).

Those nasty hills will tear you down if you are not well prepared.

Every Spartan Race, you'll see a bunch of racers on the side of the hills dealing with painful cramp. Those cramps are mostly due to inadequate hydration but also poor training.

Therefore you must train your endurance and running technique (control). You'll also minimize the chance of getting injured while running downhill.

How to train for Hills and climbs


Inverted Wall

Inverted Wall

The Inverted Wall requires lots of upper body strength and hips mobility to pull your body over the wall.

When you are hanging from the top of the wall, and can't pull your torso over, you need the help from your legs to reach the edge. Therefore you must work on your flexibility and upper body muscles.

An odd but excellent way to train for the Inverted Wall is by climbing out of a swimming pool. The movement and the hips flexibility you need is similar to the Inverted Wall. Reach the ladder with arms extend and try to bring your knees as high as possible.

If you don't have access to a swimming pool, I suggest the following exercises.

How to train for Inverted Wall

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Inverted Wall

Monkey Bars

Monkey Bars

Depending on your body weight and overall upper body strength, the monkey bars can be extremely tough. The fitter you are, the faster you'll cross the monkey bars and ring the bell.

When I started with Spartan Race, I was 200 pounds of pure fat. I barely could hold my weight under a pull-up bar. It took me 2 years of training to succeed in the monkey bars. Before, I always came close to the other side, but my grip was failing me.

The most valuable ability is grip strength, but also upper body endurance. You'll also need a strong core to avoid uncontrolled swaying while moving under the bars.

How to train for Monkey Bars

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Monkey Bars

Olympus Wall

Olympus Wall

The Olympus Wall is a technical obstacle that requires lost of ability, coordination, flexibility, and exceptional upper body power.

While you are crossing on the angled wall, you'll need to hold your body weight by using the holes, the grips or the chains.

Therefore, you must be quick and move to the next grips as fast as possible. Also, you must bring your feet as high as possible on the wall, placing you in a squat position.

How to train for Olympus Wall

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Olympus Wall

Rope Climb

Rope Climb

The Rope Climb is an obstacle that requires loads of agility, coordination and upper body force.

Once you started to climb the rope, you need a firm grip, to avoid slipping down and burning your hands on the cable. Also, falling from this obstacle can seriously get you injured, and force you to quit the race.

But don't worry, with the right foot wrapping technique and proper training, you can easily reach the bell.

How to train for Rope Climb

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Rope Climb

Sandbag Carry

Sandbag Carry

The Sandbag Carry is a well-known obstacle to drain the last drop of fuel you had in the tank.

Walking uphill with the sandbag in your hand, or on your shoulder will test your core strength and endurance. It not unusual to observe runners dealing with legs cramp on the side of the trail during the dreaded obstacle.

The best way to train for Sandbag Carry is with your sandbag at home. Besides, you can also train with heavy objects.

How to train for Sandbag Carry

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Sandbag Carry

Spear Throw

Spear Throw

The Spear Throw is a skill obstacle, and with the right technique, you can avoid a visit to the burpees pit.

Like almost every other Spartans, I never train for this obstacle, and I always end up with a 30 burpees penalty.

My best advice is to train with an actual spear and a target. Since this option is not always accessible, here are the best exercises to get prepared.

How to train for Spear Throw

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Spear Throw

Tractor Pull

Tractor Pull

The Tractor Pull is my preferred obstacles. It's where I can use all my core power and agility to fly beyond the other participants. I think my advantage is mostly because I evaluate the terrain first and attack the obstacle with a plan.

Moving the cinderblock across the rugged terrain, by pulling on a slippery chain is not easy, and it will demand a considerable amount of energy. It will test your core strength and mostly your grip.

The right techniques will significantly help you avoid common mistakes, but without the proper training, it will feel like misery. Here's how you can train your body to become tractor strong.

How to train for Tractor Pull

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Tractor Pull

Traverse Wall

Traverse Wall

The Traverse Wall, also known as the Z-Wall, is where the rock climbers will have a definite advantage.

The little grips and footholds are barely sufficient to stay on the wall. Falling off this obstacle is easy. Poorly trained upper body, inefficient flexibility, and inadequate coordination will send you to the burpees pit.

How to train for Traverse Wall

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Traverse Wall



The Twister will test your grip and upper body strength.

Similar to the monkey bars, you'll need to hold your body weight across the obstacle — however, the Twister as a spinning bar that requires to change grip position at every step.

Make sure you get the right technique, but also train your grip and upper body.

How to train for Twister

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Twister

Tyrolean Traverse

Tyrolean Traverse

The Tyrolean Traverse looks like a manageable obstacle, but it requires good coordination, loads of grip strength and an unbreakable determination to succeed.

The longer you stay on the obstacle, the more exhausted your muscles will become. After a few seconds, your hands and calves will start to burn because of the tyrolean rough material. Once you are hanging from under the tyrolean, you must crawl fast to the other side.

Get prepared by doing lots of grip training and endurance.

How to train for the Tyrolean Traverse

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Tyrolean Traverse

Wall Jump

Wall Jump

During a Spartan race, you will encounter different wall obstacles. The height will vary between 4 to 8 feet tall.

To get over the 8 feet wall, you must have a strong upper body to pull your self over. Also, don't neglect the explosive power need to jump high enough to reach the edge.

How to train for Wall Jump

Learn the best technique on how to crush the Wall Jump



From all the years of training and pieces of information, I gathered from other runners and athletes, I have created this list of exercises. Each one has been specially selected to train for a Spartan Race and conquer all obstacles.

Now, you must include those exercises into your workout plan.

P.S. If you're searching for the best training equipement for OCR and hoping to get genuine advice from a real runner. You should check out this list I created of the top tools to train for an obstacle race.

I have picked these tools because I'd used them in different obstacle races and mud runs. Plus, I'd confirmed my selection with my fellow OCR runners. With all their insights and my own experience, I've built this list of the top training equipement.

Obstacle Ninja
Thank you for reading!

Hi, I'm the Obstacle Ninja, and I will share with you my tips on how to crush it at your next obstacle racing. Also, how to get your little ninja more active with obstacle course. Want to know more about me? Read my story!

Obstacle Ninja
Hi, I'm the Obstacle Ninja, and my passion is OCR (obstacle course running).

My idea of the perfect weekend is to run a Spartan Race or Tough Mudder with my family. We love to run in the mud and challenge your self with the obstacle. My kids and I, we love to watch Ninja warrior and train for our next obstacle race or mud run.

I will share with you my tips on how to crush it at your next obstacle racing. Also, how to get your little ninja more active with obstacle course.

Want to know more about me?
Read my story!

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